Nivaaz Sehmbhi Projects Resume

Hi, I'm Nivaaz

Nivaaz is an electrical engineer turned software engineer and entrepreneur.

She's the best know for her ability to conquer her goals despite the odds stacked up against her. Last year alone, she interned at an engineering consultancy, trading company and Australia's biggest unicorn tech startup. All while doing her honours thesis in quantum engineering and building her startup (Sukara Engineering).

As a self-taught developer, she has experience in System Verilog (FPGA development) in high-speed trading & quantum engineering, as well as, (ReactJS, jQuery, Typescript, HTML, CSS, NodeJS) in the tech startup space.

In her spare time, you'll find her writing about her experiences and learnings on Medium, prototyping designs for products on Figma & Codepen, and painting or trying to pat all the dogs in Sydney. πŸ•πŸ•β€πŸ¦ΊπŸ©

So tell me about you!

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